Caregiver Resources

Highland Friendship Club recognizes that families and caregivers also play an essential role, as they not only provide support to our members, but they also get involved in aspects of HFC from programs to event planning and more!

Informational workshops are periodically offered to the HFC community of parents and caregivers.

These informational meetings include representatives from a variety of local service agencies and advocacy groups.

Previous Workshop Topics

  • Housing Forum 

  • This is Medicaid

  • Assistive Technology Workshop

  • Financial Steps for Caregivers

  • Sexuality for All Abilities: Supporting People with Disabilities and their Sexual Health

Care for Yourself, The Way You Care for Others

Parents & Caregivers:
Weekly Appointment
with Yourself

Take a well-deserved break with CHINSUP, a Saturday morning program designed just for parents and caregivers. Recharge your body and mind with gentle stretching, light yoga, and low-impact exercises led by a Certified Personal Trainer specializing in functional fitness. This is your time to relax, rejuvenate, and prioritize your well-being — you’ve earned it!

To sign up, log in to your Regpack member registration account and select Parents and Caregivers Weekly Appointment with Myself.

Photo by David Kurtovich

Real Voices, Real Connections

Be the Reason a Smile Happens Today

Help us create more opportunities and friendships.

The Right Thing To Do

In this children’s book, Joe Schmit writes about Joe Mauer and the importance about kindness and inclusion. Part of the proceeds of book sales benefit HFC!